My Oily Village

My Oily Village

supporting healthy living with plant-based products for home & life

umass lowell – prep for finals

Due to school closings and Ezeikiel the snow storm, this has been rescheduled for Thursday Dec 5. I'll be up at UMass Lowell helping the students make focus and stress reducing roller bottles as they prepare to take their final exams. This event is sponsored by the UMass Lowell Public Health department and is open […]

private kids spa party

Kids creating their own spa products! I will lead the girls to create kid friendly, all-natural lavender mud mask, lavender face wash, geranium face spritz and a calming sleep perfume to take home. If you'd like to do this with your child/ren, please contact me and we'll chat. Kids classes are always a favorite of mine to […]

hand crafted holiday gifts made easy

Need an easy teacher gift? or maybe one for the school bus driver? I'm not sure this is for you, but I may the solution you're looking for.

Essential Oils – learning some simple swaps to a healthier home

It’s a new year, a new decade. How open minded will you be? How curious are you to learn new ideas and methods? How would you feel about learning how prior generations stayed healthy? So many of us are less healthy than our fore-bearers, in spite of our modern conveniences! Just imagine a lifestyle with […]

Dessert at Pam’s house – intro to the beginners oil kit

Acton, MA , United States

Let’s start 2020 out right with gaining more control, and better tools. Just imagine a lifestyle with less over the counter drugs, more control over what affects your home environment and the ease of having the tools you need on hand to support that healthy lifestyle. When would be a good time to learn these […]