My grandmother called my freckles sweetness indicators – like a banana, she said. The more freckles it has, the sweeter the inside. If that holds true, I’m THE SWEETEST person around! ha! Maybe, maybe not.

My ‘freckles’ are getting more prolific as I get older. When I was younger, freckles that popped out over the summer would Faye Duvey (fade away, Wings?.. anyone?… no? ugh – showing my age Again.) and now they stick around all year long it seems – I guess its a benefit since my age spots are hidden among all the other spots!

BUT – age spots are indications of sun damage. And although I slather myself in sunscreen year round and use a super high SPF when on vacation in GA, I can’t undo the damage from prior years of not knowing better. Or can I?

My friend Caroline posted a long while ago (May 2019) that she had been using frankincense on her forehead (third-eye chakra) during her yoga/meditation practice and she noticed a ‘clean’ spot exactly where she was using the oil. So she decided to diligently apply frankincense to her whole face. She did this from May to September — 5 short months… in the summer! …at a time of year when MORE freckles appear! and yet, hers disappeared. Can you see the difference?? its AMAZING! I love that she said YES, please share! when I asked if I could include her story here.

photo credit Caroline Cabral

Then I came across a Facebook post in a cross-line’s feed that talked about her friend whose age spots on her hand had disappeared after using an oil recipe. Just look at the difference.

photo credit Kate Ganger, via Tori Schuster
Here’s the recipe they used.

I thought to myself, huh, something is up that the universe sent me the same message two different ways at around the same time. That would be cool, to get rid of the spots on my hands. Hey Alison! look at this, I said. And she jumped right in and said she’d do it with me. Then a light bulb went off…huzzah!…lets do a blog challenge!

A seven week challenge where we track what happens to our skin after all using the same oil recipes.

So…Lets do it! Send me a message through the contact me page and let me know that you want in. I’ll send you a 1/2 recipe of both listed above (5ml) Make sure to give me an address to where I should mail the oils. This will be open to the first 5 people who send me a note. (This will be for Acton, MA area locals only, for now.)

Here are The Rules (dun dun duuuunnnn) you will be bound to:

  • You must submit a photo on day 1 and day 56 (very beginning and very end of the 7 week challenge), and two other photos in-between – your choice of weeks. I suggest weeks 3 and 5. I’ll set up a spot on the blog to post the photos. By sending me a photo you are giving me permission to post the photo you send online.
  • You must use only the oils I give you to use (we’ll use YL EO and an organic jojoba carrier oil). By requesting the oils you commit to doing the challenge and sending photos.
  • You must use the oils at least twice a day – more if you want – but not less.
  • There’s no monetary or product prize at the end. Just the rollers to perform the challenge and the satisfaction of watching the process.
Day 1 of the freckle challenge (30 Oct 2019)

My day 1 photo is here –>
just for kicks, I’m going to focus on the area from my second knuckle to my thumb.

Who wants to join me? What’s to lose if you do? More importantly what will you gain? Hop to it! and join now- only 5 people are getting in, and one spot is already gone. (Thanks Alison!)

Here’s the link to the contact page again: