Find your zen with this blend of frank, lavender and cedarwood – its a great way to start the evening.

There’s frankincense, which is used as a holy oil in the Middle East. You can read about frankincense in the oil profile here. It brings a grounding resinous scent to this combination.

And then there’s lavender, who brings a floral high note to this diffuser combination (check out the oil profile for it here). The woody scent from cedarwood, and the resinous scent from frankincense combine so nicely with lavender and provide a floral, grounded atmosphere

Find your zen: cedarwood, lavender, frankincense

Cedrus atlantica, [the genus used to create YL’s oil] commonly called atlas cedar is an evergreen native to northern Africa (Morocco and Algeria). It is the tree most related to the biblical cedars of Lebanon. The warm, woody scent of cedarwood can create a relaxing environment when diffused. The scent can also be a bit balsamic, earthy and sometimes even sweet.

The cleansing and moisturizing properties associated with Cedarwood also make it a great addition to your favorite skin care products.  I blend cedarwood with cypress when I feel like my muscles need a detox massage.

I love using cedarwood oil as part of my massage therapy sessions. I’ve found that it blends well with bergamot, cypress, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, sandalwood, vetiver, and ylang ylang (my favorite to pair with cedarwood).

Remember when Nana had the cedarwood chest and would put all the winter sweaters in it? The wood, and oil, is commonly used as a natural insect repellent. has a published article detailing a recent study, here that, to me, looks pretty promising!