Those of you who know me already, know that I have ADD. I was diagnosed when I was 35. Growing up was a little difficult for me; I didn’t act the way other people acted, my brain didn’t think the way other people thought, but I was good in school, a mostly B student, so no one really looked too hard at me.

My ADD was diagnosed as a fluke. I had gone to a therapist for being depressed because I had been laid off from work, dumped by a boyfriend and my best friend was overseas. As I sat in the therapist’s office he’d ask very pointed questions and finally suggested that I have formal testing – boy was that an eye opener! Finally I had an answer as to why I always felt different. I tried many medications, and some helped, some not so much. After much trial-and-error we settled on a medication that had acceptable side effects, and was helpful in the areas that I needed help.

When we decided to have children, I needed to stop medication to ensure a healthy pregnancy. I wish I had known about essential oils at that time. I went 6 years without medication- while trying to get pregnant, being pregnant and nursing. Its was pretty hard to function and juggle everything a new mom. As a new stay at home mom, creating my own structure for the house was almost impossible for me, so back on the meds I went. Recently I had to come off my medication again. This time thankfully I had a plan (and oils!) to help me through this period. 

I find that when my brain is scrambled and racing in multiple directions all at once my go to oils are the tree oils, (pine, spruce, juniper, cedarwood, cypress,) vetiver and frankincense. This time a roller topped vial of oils saved my sanity during a ADD-drug-free week. (and probably my marriage)

I started with Dr. Lindsey Elmore’s focus roll-on recipe and added cypress, spruce and peppermint to help my motivation. (Dr. Elmore’s motivation post here mentions these oils help ) And my drug-cation from my meds was not anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be.

On the other hand, when my son gets a little scatterbrained like his mamma, I grab the GeneYus KidScents. The GeneYus essential oil blend was created specifically with kids in mind. It is already pre-diluted for kids ages 2-12. We use this blend for a focusing aroma that help him concentrate on projects and stay on task. This is a great oil to put in your kids’ backpack so they can apply it on their wrists or neck when they are reading, taking a test, or when they need a little help staying on task. I added a roller fitment to the top and have him apply it himself at school if he thinks he needs it.  KidScents all

This blend includes powerful essential oils that are SUPER high in sesquiterpenes. These are a classification of essential oil constituents that have a light aroma and have been found to provide a focusing, balanced, and grounded atmosphere.

What helps you to be motivated and focused? Let me know in the comments and I’ll randomly pick one person to receive a roller like the one that helped me.

PS: If you’re interested in the science of essential oils there’s TONS of books. One I read recently is by Dr. Scott A. Johnson. Evidence-Based Essential Oil Therapy: The Ultimate Guide to the Therapeutic and Clinical Application of Essential Oils. (#affiliatelink)