We all know there’s a difference between need and want. I want ice cream. I need water. What if you could buy water, and get free ice cream? Buy what you need, get what you want.

Essential rewards – a box of items from Young Living that arrives monthly. You decide what goes in the box. You decide when it gets delivered. OH! There’s a big box online ‘store’ that has something like this … What is that name? S&S??? I’ll think of it later. Anyway – back on topic.

Buy shampoo, vitamin D, vitamin C, laundry detergent – get points – use points to get a much wanted oil – like Dragon time? OHHH no – frankincense. Definitely Frank! Hmm, that to me sounds like great smelling self care.

I did a quick [late for me] night video for you to watch. Try Essential rewards for three months, then if you don’t like it you can cancel it. Actually you can cancel it at anytime you want. But I’ll bet you will like the benefits of subscribing to the best smelling box around. What do you want? Use buying what you need to get what you want.


[I think I’m getting better at this video thing…. let me know in the comments.]