Carefree days. breezy and sunny – a bit like today was. and stress away good lord, this oil should be called Melt Stress Away. I smell this scent and my body goes…Ahhhhh. This is almost immediate instant relaxation in a bottle.

Stress away is a blend of copaiba, lime, vanilla, cedarwood, lavender, and octotea (octotea is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Lauraceae. wikipedia). As Aristotle said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” This combination is so good! My FAVORITE oil to combine with stress away is thieves (cinnamon cookie scent anyone) and peppermint (girl scout mint cookie scent!!).

Spearmint is milder than peppermint and has invigorating fragrance that is uplifting and calming. In history spearmint has been used to relieve hiccough, indigestion, and headaches. I use spearmint to relieve fatigue when I feel like I’m dragging through the afternoon. I will also add spearmint vitality to food as a flavoring, rather than using an ‘extract’ from the grocery store.