how do you ylang ylang?

Ylang ylang is actually an tree, not a flower like roses. The oil is derived from the flowers of the tree that is native to India. Neat, huh? When I huff this oil bottle I get a heavy, sensual, floral scent, reminiscent of jasmine. Its a sugar sweet scent that is a little citrus-minty. I always knew of ylang ylang being great for skin, guess what? WebMD says early studies show that when mixed with anise and coconut oil, its almost as good at killing lice as permethrin and malathion! I’ll bet it smells WAY better also. Grab a few drops of strong floral scented oils like jasmine, geranium, ylang ylang, add one lime and one spearmint. You’ll get a scent of a spring field of flowers with just a hint of the coming summer. There’s a quick video on YouTube here, where you can learn a bit more.