So, this is a new way to live, a new normal is what its being called. You all haven’t heard from me in a while because right after February vacation I got the flu, and it was a week or so before I was back on my feet. Oh – the joys of being 50! Then our new normal started creeping in, and reports of a pandemic beginning started on the news. Then I pulled my son out of school, and the next day schools closed – just for a week, said the first notice. Then YESTERDAY – we found out that one week would actually be three and a half. Same story as in almost 20 other states across the country.

I dont do well doing nothing. If I have nothing to do, I either watch TV (which I cant since ours broke 3 weeks ago) or I stress and get anxious. Well here’s what I found to do.

First I created a home school schedule on an excel spreadsheet to see what I’d be comfortable teaching. I’m good at math, science, reading, and writing – the benefits of being the child of two teachers. After 3 or 4 iterations and discussions with my son we came up with this final outline. Its ridiculously flexible and has a lot of give in the time frames. What started with 30 minute increments turned into….huh… I forgot about prep time, and cleanup – let’s do 45 minute periods. today I’m finding that 45 minutes is PLENTY of time, and leaves time for free play after each ‘lesson’. And that is the best ‘schedule’ ever!

Each day we take the yellow stickies and put them into a blue slot. The orange stickies are non negotiable and need to be done every day. Right now I’m getting the chance to sit and write because its time for reading on the tablet! He’s using a program called Epic! that was recommended by school. There’s LOTS of great content there.

And of course we are washing our hands – all the time! all. the. time. My poor hands are so dry. So last night I decided to whip up a quick hand cream to help combat the dryness. I used shea butter, coconut oil, colloidal silver liquid, frankincense and myrrh. All great items for keeping skin in tip top shape. Here’s the recipe if you want to try:

Hurting hands hand cream:

1 tablespoon of organic shea butter
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
1 dropper full of liquid colloidal silver (I use the Sovereign Silver brand:
your preferred amount of frankincense & myrrh, I usually use 3 drops each

I use a small glass bowl, soften the shea butter in the microwave, then I mix in the softened coconut oil. Once that is combined, I mix in the essential oils, and use a small silicone spatula to put the cream in the tin.

You can use any essential oil you want for this cream, its super flexible. My advice is to pick oils you know are skin friendly and smell good. If it doesn’t smell good you probably won’t use it.

Some nice EO combinations are:
geranium, rosemary, patchouli
rose, lavender, roman chamomile
rose, sandalwood, myrrh, frankincense, vetiver
sandalwood, lavender
ylang ylang, lavender

Yes, the little tin in the back says nose 1. I’m also using this cream for swiping my nose. Its great to put just inside your nose and keep those membranes from drying out. (I get the tins here:

How are you all spending your time? Any fun ideas you want to share?